AQM BD Quality Control

Quality Control Inspections & Audits

AQM BD is renowned in the industry for its training protocols and systems in Quality Assurance (QA), Control (QC), and Ethics. These serves as the basis for our best-in-class service offerings and deliverable.

Quality Control Inspections

AQM BD quality control inspections verify product quality and quantity to predetermined specifications. The decrease in product life cycles and time-to-market increases the challenge to deliver quality products in a timely manner. When your product fails to meet your quality specifications for market acceptance, the result can be loss of good will, product and revenues, delayed shipments, wasted materials, and the potential risk of a product recall.

  • Pre-Production Inspections
  • During Production Inspections
  • Pre-Shipment Inspections
  • Piece by Piece Inspections
  • Container Loading Inspections
  • Sample Checking
  • Metal Detection
  • Loading/Unloading Supervision

Supplier Audits

In today’s highly competitive market, it is imperative that you build a vendor base of partners that will meet all aspects of your production needs, from design and quality, to product delivery requirements. Comprehensive evaluation through factory audits and supplier audits are a vital component of the evaluation process.

The key criteria an AQM BD factory and supplier audit assesses are facilities, policies, procedures and records that verify a factory’s ability to deliver consistent quality products over time, rather than at one given time or only for certain products.

  • Supplier Audits
  • Manufacturer Audits
  • Energy Audit
  • Factory Production Control
  • Social Compliance Audits
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