Update: The Coronavirus Outbreak and the Global Supply Chain

There are numerous reports of disruptions to the global supply chain as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. Noticeably hard hit sectors include technology, automotive, and consumer retail. With China making up a sixth of the global economy and serving as the single largest hub in the global supply chain, the impact of this outbreak […]

Coronavirus myths

There are many myths out there about the spread of the coronavirus, but it is important to know the truth. For instance: did you know it is still perfectly safe to receive packages from China? This page from the World Health Organization (WHO) does an excellent job of breaking down some of the myths associated […]

AQM BD Hosts its 2019 Annual Sales and Marketing Meeting

AQM BD held its Annual Sales and Marketing Meeting near the company headquarters in Fujian Province, China. President Richard Fan, and Vice Presidents Sam Li, Julie Lai, and Kathy Huang were in attendance, along with the sales and marketing staff and branch managers from 16 countries and territories around the world. In total, more than ninety […]

AQM BD Opens Offices in Bangladesh

AQM BD PTE. LTD Ltd. is pleased to announce the opening of our new offices in Bangladesh. Hunter Huang has been named as General Manager, having served previously as the General manager of India and Vice President of operations in Vietnam. He will be responsible for all operations and business development in Bangladesh. Mr. Huang stated, “we […]

AQM BD Attended Ethics Standards Conference

AQM BD recently participated in developing standards regarding bribery in the Testing, Inspections, and Certification industry in China. The standards are the TIC industry Self-Disciplined Code of Conduct and the TIC Industry Employees Code of Conduct. Government departments, social groups, AQM BD, and other major industry players contributed to the successful completion of the draft proposals. On […]

AQM BD PTE. LTD Attended China – India Investment and Trade Promotion Conference

South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world. South Asia not only benefits from low labor cost, being unaffected by the trade war between China and USA but also from the Chinese government building on historical ties to help countries in the region align their development strategies with the Belt […]

AQM BD Speaks at the 5th Vietnam Textile Summit

Vietnam is experiencing rapid growth in its export sector due to US-China trade war, increasing labor cost, and more sophisticated manufacturing in China. These are among the key factors forcing an increasing number of manufacturers to migrate to Vietnam. Direct investment, as well as technology and equipment transfer from China, have contributed to the acceleration […]

AQM BD Attends the First Annual TIC Summit

Leading organizations in the testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) industry have created the TIC Council. The TIC is a new international association representing third-party verification companies. Based in Brussels, the TIC was born from the merger of  IFIA and CEOC. Ninety member organizations form the council, including AQM BD PTE. LTD Ltd. As a founding council member, […]