AQM BD Quality Control

Hong Kong Updates the Toys and Children’s Products Safety Ordinance

bunk beds Hong Kong standards

The Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region government has recently published a notice in the Gazette announcing an update to the Toys and Children’s Products Safety Ordinance. The amendment aims to strengthen the safety standards for children’s products, focusing on four classes listed in Schedule 2 under the ordinance. The updated standards are expected to take effect on August 1, 2023.

The four classes of products subject to the updated safety standards are:

  • Bunk beds for domestic use
  • Child safety barriers for domestic use
  • Children’s high chairs
  • Multi-purpose high chairs for domestic use and wheeled child conveyances.

According to the updated ordinance, all toys and products manufactured, supplied or imported and listed under Schedule 2 must comply with all applicable requirements specified in Schedules 1 and 2. 

Read the complete information here

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