AQM BD Quality Control

Spice Quality Control Services – Testing, Inspection and Audits

Meet stringent quality benchmarks with the help of AQM BD’s comprehensive spice quality control services.

Whether you are a manufacturer, distributor, or retailer sourcing spices or expanding into new markets, it is crucial to ensure that your products are free from health hazards and comply with regulatory standards.

Quality Control of Spices

AQM BD offers a complete range of spice quality control services that cover every aspect of the production process. We have you covered, from auditing your suppliers and meeting stringent quality benchmarks to obtaining export certifications.

Our quality control services extend to various food products, including:

Spice Inspection

AQM BD can verify the quality and integrity of your spice products. Our experienced inspectors thoroughly examine critical factors such as colour, texture, size, and foreign matter contamination. We offer inspections at different stages of your supply chain, including:

Spice Testing Laboratory Services

AQM BD can take a representative sample of the spices and test it in one of our partner spice testing laboratories in India, China or elsewhere. The spices testing parameters depend on the product and requirements and may include physical, chemical, botanical, and organoleptic testing.

Other Spice Quality Control Services

In certain countries, spices are subject to conformity assessment activities. Whether you export spices from India to Saudi Arabia or other destinations, we can issue certificates of conformity upon compliance for multiple nations.

Choose AQM BD today to learn more!

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