AQM BD Quality Control

Why Is Quality Control in Construction Important?

Quality control in construction industry is essential. Not only should the tools, equipment and machinery used on site meet strict criteria in terms of quality, standards and be fit for its purpose. But it is equally important to ensure they are correctly maintained throughout the entire project.

Fortunately, there are several methods you can ensure construction quality control. In this short article, you’ll learn about the importance of quality control in construction industry and its best practices.


What Is Quality Control in Construction?

Understanding the importance of quality control in construction and what it entails is important. Because, after all, quality construction is not just limited to the construction companies. It extends to their trade partners and other stakeholders in the construction supply chain. It involves checking the quality of work done by construction contractors, suppliers, and subcontractors – to even the import of machinery, materials, and equipment used on-site.

Construction quality control can be broken down into two broader categories: quality assurance and quality compliance. Whereby quality assurance focuses on the quality of the product or service, and quality compliance construction refers to meeting current legal or regulatory requirements.

What Are Common Construction Quality Control Procedures?

There is simply no margin for error when it comes to building jobs. Every piece of equipment used needs to be checked for quality and functionality to ensure they can play their part effectively. And that’s where quality control procedures can help.

Quality control procedures are the steps a construction company takes to ensure quality in their work. These procedures are essential because they help to improve the quality of the building and reduce risks.

Companies can achieve quality control management in construction by using:

  • The International Organization for Standardization ISO 9001 – Set of standard created by the ISO to guide how companies should manage their quality management process and meet customer and other stakeholder’s needs.
  • Kaizen – Kaizen is a philosophy and process used in the business world to focus on minor, continuous improvements that lead to dramatic changes over time. It is a process that never ends.
  • Six Sigma – A series of techniques for analyzing and improving processes. It focuses on eliminating defects in any process by identifying, measuring and eliminating variables that cause variation in the process.
  • Construction Quality Control Plan – A document outlining the steps to be followed during construction. It includes the objectives, procedures, timeline and responsibilities of all parties involved.


What are the Common Quality Control Issues in Construction?

The quality control issues in construction can be broken down into three broader categories.

1. Building or Structural Quality Issues

The first category is related to the design of the building or structure. These issues often relate to the structural engineering and design errors such as improper layout, poor materials selection during construction and inadequate design.

2. Quality Issues with Construction Materials

The second category is related to construction materials and processes. It includes poor material selection, poor quality control during production, and improper assembly of components.

Some of the issues with construction materials include:

  • The over-consumption and waste generation of these materials during their production process.
  • The lack of quality control in their manufacturing process results in low-quality materials.
  • The lack of transparency in the supply chain, including subcontractor mishandling and supplier/vendor failures.
  • Substandard materials do not meet local or international construction product regulations or standards.


3. Poor Workmanship in the Construction Industry

Poor workmanship has been a problem in construction industry since its inception, and these problems should never be taken lightly. Workmanship negligence and the lack of effort put into quality management in construction can cause costly defects, including damage resulting from corrosion, moulding, plumbing issues, and even injuries, death, and structural damages to the building or site.

Why Is Quality Control Important in Construction?

Construction quality management is important because it is a highly regulated industry. It also helps to ensure that the building will be safe, functional and completed on time within budget.

The key advantages of quality control in construction:

  • Help alleviate risks, especially regarding the risk of damage or accidents.
  • Ensure the project stays on schedule and remains within budget.
  • Ensure the construction is fit for its intended use and meets the standard set by the client and regulatory bodies.


The Importance of Inspection and Quality Control in Construction

The quality control process in construction consists of a series of inspections conducted throughout the construction process. But it all starts at the very beginning of the construction project.

Before you start the construction project, all materials and equipment on-site must arrive as intended and meet all relevant standards and requirements. One way to reduce the risks of defective materials or equipment is to inspect the goods – before they’re shipped to you. This can be done using the 4 types of quality inspection methods, which includes:

  • Pre Production Inspection – Identify quality risks before the production process begins.
  • During Production Inspection – Filter out issues from the production line while the production is underway.
  • Pre Shipment Inspection – Checking the quantity and quality of the goods before they’re shipped to you.
  • Container Loading/Unloading Supervision – Ensuring the products are loaded and unloaded correctly to avoid costly mishandling of goods.


Conclusion: The Importance of Quality Control in Construction

We all know about the importance of quality in construction. Not only does quality control procedures in construction minimize the risks of delays. But it also ensures that the project meets their requirements and expectations. One common quality control method in construction is conducting inspections of the materials and equipment used in the construction project.

Many companies rely on third party companies that conduct quality inspections on-site to learn more about our services and how we can help your business. Contact us today to learn more about our construction quality control services and how we can help your business.

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