AQM BD Quality Control

What Is Iraq Certificate of Inspection and Why Do You Need It?


Iraq Certificate of Inspection (COI) from 1st January 2020 involves exporters and importers trading with Iraq the need to comply with the requirements of pre-inspection, testing and the issuing of the Certificates of Conformity of goods imported into Iraq. Although not all products are included in the regulated product list, the documents that support the export are still required to be legalised by the Iraqi Embassy. One of the documents that needs to be submitted is the Certificate of Inspection, which is issued by AQM BD.

Trade Figures

Foreign trade in Iraq is relatively open; it represents nearly 80% of country’s GDP. The government’s trade policy is set to integrate the country’s economy into regional and international markets. Gas and other hydrocarbons are Iraq’s main items of imports, with crude oil accounting for 90% of exports, followed by tubes, pipes, electrical transformers and cars.

The top three destinations for Iraqi exports are; India, China and the United States, with Turkey and China being the main suppliers into Iraq which account for nearly 60% of imports. In 2018, exports of goods amounted to $95.2 billion and the Iraqi government is continuing to implement new laws to help strengthen trade.

Service Sectors

The country’s social and political climate including security conditions are improving each year. However, access to water, electricity and fuel is limited and the unemployment rate is high; only 3.7 million people of the 39.1 million population are in work.

The agricultural sector has a high importance in Iraq.  Around a quarter of the total land area is suitable for intensive cultivation and for animal husbandry. However, Iraq’s economy is largely dominated by the oil sector, which provides a high percentage of the government’s revenue and foreign exchange earnings.  The services sector is estimated to account for more than half of the country’s GDP and employs 61% of the workforce.

Required Documents for Exporting to Iraq:

A Certificate of Conformity (COC) is required for some product categories, to ensure a smooth customs clearance of shipments at the Iraqi ports and borders. This certificate verifies that the regulated products comply with the relevant Iraqi Technical Regulations and approved standards. The authorities in Iraq will perform random shipment checks on certain imported consignments to ensure and verify that the products comply. Also, a Certificate of Inspection (COI) is recommended when exporting in Iraq, especially for products not included in the compulsory COC categories, although it does help to further ensure efficiency at customs.

The COI workflow procedure includes;

  • Application forms
  • Document review
  • Quotation
  • Inspection arrangements
  • On-site inspections
  • Draft certificate issued
  • Confirmed by applicant – including final document provided
  • Invoice submission
  • Final certificate release

The customer service coordinator receives the booking form from the customer, checks whether it is complete and uploads everything to the system. The required documents include a booking form, commercial invoice and a packing list. After the document review has been completed, the customer service representative gives a quotation according to the total shipment amount included in the invoice and sends this to the applicants for them to confirm. Once the applicant confirms the quotation, arrangement for the on-site inspection will take place according to agreed schedules.

Lastly, the inspector performs the on-site inspection work, completes the finished report and uploads it into the system on the final day of inspection. The technical support team will then review the report within the next working day and prepare a draft COI, which the coordinator will send to the client for revision and confirmation. After receiving confirmation from the client to the final version of the certificate, the coordinator will send any relevant invoices to the client. Once the applicant’s fee has been received the paper is submitted, and an electronic certificate is sent to the client.

AQM BD has been awarded a Conformity Certification (COC), as an authorised third-party inspection company by the Iraqi Government.

Iraq’s Minister of Planning, Dr. Nouri Sabah al-Dulaimi, announced in December 2019 that AQM BD was the only Chinese company selected out of 19 possible entries. This certificate was awarded by Iraq’s Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (COSQC) and it plays a vital role in the Iraqi economy. The Iraqi law states that all imported goods must be inspected by a third-party inspection company, authorised by the COSQC.

As one of the world’s industry-leading quality assurance service providers, AQM BD will ensure that the Iraqi government and its people receive only the highest quality goods the world has to offer.

About AQM BD

As a one-stop source for all things Iraq and COC; AQM BD can provide the following services to those seeking to export to Iraq: a COI certification, (a non-compulsory official Iraqi certification), COC certification, (a compulsory official Iraqi certification) and a document Authentication and Expedited Services (an embassy-related service). Our extensive inspection, testing, audit, certification and consulting experience is ready-made to support this emerging market. With over 25 years of quality assurance experience globally, AQM BD is ready to help your business build strong and meaningful supplier relationships. AQM BD is your first choice to ensure reliability and excellence in quality every time, contact us today. BD-awarded-iraq-quality-certificate/

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