AQM BD Quality Control

How to Achieve Zero Defects in Your Supply Chain

zero defects

Zero defects are a highly-regarded concept in quality management that refers to a state where waste and defects are reduced.

Quality management includes quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and quality improvement and aiming for zero defects ensures the highest quality standards in projects and products. The zero defects concept is effective because it’s adaptable to any situation, business, profession or industry.

What is a Defect in Quality Control?

Quality control professionals typically classify defects into three main categories – minor, major and critical. The severity of a defect determines which of the three categories it belongs to.

A defect in your supply chain would be a product that doesn’t conform to specifications or requirements. It could either be a very small issue which wouldn’t necessarily stop the item from working but still means it isn’t of the highest quality, or a critical defect, which means it will probably be recalled.

Three Types of Defects

  1. Minor – minor defects are usually smaller issues that don’t affect the function or form of the item. With minor defects on a product are those that most customers wouldn’t even notice and a customer would be unlikely to return the item due to a minor defect.
  2. Major – major defects are more serious than minor defects as a major defect departs significantly from the buyer’s specifications and they could majorly affect the function, performance or appearance of the product. These defects are noticeable by the customer and could cause the customer to return the product.
  3. Critical – critical defects are the most serious of the three defect types as they cause the product to be completely unusable and could cause harm to the user. These defects put businesses at risk of product liability issues, lawsuits and product recalls.

How Did Philip Crosby Define Zero Defects?

Philip Crosby was an American quality professional and businessman and also a published author on the subject. He was an innovator who first coined the phrase ‘zero defects’ and promoted a working culture of getting things right the first time.

Through his philosophy and thinking, he helped endless organisations to achieve greater efficiency and profitability through his approach and theories on quality management. His first book was called Quality is Free.

Crosby’s zero defects idea isn’t supposed to mean mistakes never happen, but that there is no allowable number of errors built into a product or process. He believed that management should lead by example and workers should follow what they see which means always striving for improvement.

14 Steps to Quality Improvement

  1. Management should be committed to quality
  2. Quality improvement teams should be created and each one should have a senior representative from each department
  3. Measure processes that can determine any current and potential quality issues
  4. Calculate the cost of poor quality
  5. Raise quality awareness for all employees
  6. Take action to correct quality issues
  7. Monitor progress of quality improvement and establish a zero defects committee
  8. Supervisors should be trained in quality improvement
  9. Hold zero defects days
  10. Encourage all employees to create their own quality improvement goals
  11. Encourage employee communication with management about any obstacles related to quality
  12. Recognise participants’ effort
  13. Create quality councils
  14. Repeat the process again – quality improvement should continue to be improved

The Philosophy of Zero Defects

Quality management is a popular and highly regarded concept in quality control and the zero defects theory helps to ensure there is no waste in a project and that anything that doesn’t add value to a project should be eliminated.

Are Zero Defects Possible?

It’s almost impossible to attain zero defects for every product and it is technically not possible in any sizable or complex manufacturing project. Zero defects can be referred to as a mentality or movement and doesn’t have defined steps or rules to follow as it can be adaptable to any situation, business, profession or industry. The flexibility of the idea means it can be incredibly effective in achieving results.

Zero Defect Mindset

It may not be possible to be completely perfect and accurate by achieving zero defects but you can certainly work towards the aim and achieve improvement and better efficiency in the process.

Here are three steps to implement that will help improve your quality management:

  1. Understanding the costs that may occur if quality issues are found
  2. Always looking to improve in certain areas of the business where flaws may concur
  3. Proactively manage, adapt and change any flaws found in your system which may be causing defects to happen

About AQM BD

With over 25 years of experience in quality assurance, AQM BD is ready to help your import and export business build a robust quality assurance plan. Our many service locations are prepared to be your one-stop-shop for inspection needs. Including, production monitoring, pre-shipment and sorting inspections and everything in between. Contact us today to find out how we can help you navigate your current quality control challenges.


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